Tag: useful

  • Eureka!


    I just had a Eureka moment realising Useful Me is not Me. This is very exciting. What a relief. I am so grateful the process of writing is helping me think through and is bringing gaps in my understanding to my attention. I recently discovered Internal Family Systems (IFS) as non-pathologising, evidence-based method to better… Read more

  • Trees

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    Here’s a twist! Curly spine Are you misaligned You feel stuck So is your lower back Since you won’t listen in Your body will scream in pain What is the message you refuse to hear What language will speak to you For its call not be in vain One second soothing The other burning The… Read more

  • On feeling stuck

    On feeling stuck

    How does one fucking float? She tries too hard She is been told efforts mean she will be good So she tries too hard She is praised for her intentionality So she mostly overdoes it She does not do it consciously of course She’s been raised like this And this behaviour is reinforced But it… Read more

  • New York, New York

    New York, New York

    ‘We are lives that want to be lived’ says Catherine Price in her book The Power of Fun, how to feel alive again. I recently made a realisation that I had somehow drifted away from my old-self and that I wanted to reconnect with her. My understanding is that this sort of loss came as… Read more