Tag: love

  • we circle

    we circle

    Circling We love We care because we love We suffer because we care We love We care We suffer And love cares for us The keys We hold the keys in our hands Sometimes to be present We pass on the keys to another hand Because holding the keys Isn’t one lonely hand’s job Because… Read more

  • Approval


    Composing the symphony of our lives To compose the symphony of yourself Must you know how to play instruments? It would certainly help But until then Use the sound of the waves in the ocean The chirping of the birds in the wind And the silence of when there is nothing to say Letter from… Read more

  • On worthiness

    On worthiness
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    Perfect! Not what you project of what it means But how I feel Not what society forces us to believe But how I am How you are Just the way you are No expectation about what to be or to become No strings attached to your behavior or worthiness Perfect Just the way you are… Read more