Tag: free

  • Light or wrong

    Light or wrong
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    Twinkle little light Why do you feel so tired, little one? You are not doing much Yet you feel there is rest you need to catch-up on Your body whispers in your ears “Rest, little one, even lights can’t shine all the time A little darkness does them good If there wasn’t darkness They could… Read more

  • Poetry


    WET PAIN Run, run darling Sometimes you cannot catch the train Wait, wait darling Sometimes you need to wipe away the rain Write, write darling Today what you need is to sit in the pain Free tree spiral The place you have in mind The mind you have in place Root tree branch Ground tree… Read more

  • End and Start

    End and Start

    A few words for the humans I had the pleasure to work with for the past year and half: How do I feel? Peaceful and calm Sunny and free Grateful to be here today And elsewhere tomorrow What comes next, you ask? Life and its many surprises, I say ‘When you press the pause button… Read more

  • On clutter

    On clutter

    Dear Glennon and Amanda, I consider the likelihood of these words being read by anyone but myself low but I believe the process of writing them will help at least one person think through them, so here they are. I listened to Episode #282 on our relationship to stuff and I think you are both… Read more

  • Free


    Cagey words What stopped her from doing it She was not sure She said success maybe? What those words meant she wasn’t sure either This could mean so many different things But she never really stopped long enough to think what it could look like for her? She wasn’t sure where she was going but… Read more

  • When it starts when it ends

    When it starts when it ends
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    Infinity It’s like it’s not the same part of me that’s feeling that’s writing I don’t know if that makes grammatical sense but in my language it makes sense The question is whether ‘I’ might be able to read myself Will you ever be able to read yourself? It’s the moment when all is and… Read more

  • Magic

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    Breaking free Letting the magic set The fulness of an instant A precious and fragile instant Free of tangible boundaries When you feel lost and suddenly you find yourself You are here You are expanding Connected with oneself With one’s inner voice Expanding inside out Afraid that with sharing may come soiling That the pure… Read more

  • Joy


    The skipping of a child The innocence of a smile The bouncing of colourful beads Flying yet tethered The delight of a warm breeze The scent of a salty ocean The sea air in one’s hair Brushing all clouds away The warmth of the sun The perfection of an instant The harmony of one’s mind… Read more

  • Rain


    You get out of the metro station You did not expect it It rains! Or does it hail? Do you have an umbrella? No. You can run. You can wait. You can growl. You can also look inside You decide to smile You step up and out onto the path You start singing You feel… Read more