How does one fucking float?
She tries too hard
She is been told efforts mean she will be good
So she tries too hard
She is praised for her intentionality
So she mostly overdoes it
She does not do it consciously of course
She’s been raised like this
And this behaviour is reinforced
But it hears when she does
And it reads when she is not kind to herself too.
She cannot just float
Although she would like to
The truth is
She doesn’t really know how to
Sometimes they come
The tears
They just burst out
Something hits and boom
No restraint
They jump out of my eyes
As if to say
Now, listen, this is now
Take it all in
There is no escape
Je suis Julie
‘Julie la petite olive rêvait de voyager mais elle était captive d’un rameau d’olivier.’
Je suis la petite olive
Et mes pensées sont mon rameau.