Breaking free
Letting the magic set
The fulness of an instant
A precious and fragile instant
Free of tangible boundaries
When you feel lost and suddenly you find yourself
You are here
You are expanding
Connected with oneself
With one’s inner voice
Expanding inside out
Afraid that with sharing may come soiling
That the pure moment vanishes
And comes with the fear of failing
Is it worth the risk?
The longing for magic
The longing for expressing one’s creativity
The longing for connection
The doubt of what is really behind the ‘connection’
To oneself or to others?
The fear that sharing will ruin it all
The threat of perfection
Hello, Fear speaking.
Dring dring
Are you afraid that you are trying to “make x useful” again?
In doing so turning creative space into business?
Dring dring
Are you afraid of what it might mean?
And that you will ruin its essence by doing?
Dring dring
What is it that you think is worth sharing?
Do you really have anything to say?
She hangs up.
How to decide?
How to decide what’s important and what’s not.
How to decide what’s worth pursuing because there is still a chance it might work out when it is time to let go of it.
How much of it is because we’re not ready to give up, because we’re stubborn or because it would indeed be much better if we did not give up.
Why does it matter? Who does it matter for?
How do you decide it’s time to let go?
Maybe when you’ve reconsidered the worst case scenario and perhaps it’s not as bad as you see because others would know what you had envisioned. Perhaps it’s a matter of comparing that to what you would otherwise shift your attention away from.
Maybe that’s a good reminder that saying yes/no to something is saying no/yes to something else.