Category: writing for knowing

  • When it starts when it ends

    When it starts when it ends
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    Infinity It’s like it’s not the same part of me that’s feeling that’s writing I don’t know if that makes grammatical sense but in my language it makes sense The question is whether ‘I’ might be able to read myself Will you ever be able to read yourself? It’s the moment when all is and… Read more

  • The many pens we use to tell the stories of our lives

    The many pens we use to tell the stories of our lives

    One day she just picked up a pen and started writing. She didn’t know where it was going and when it was going to end. But she knew straight away this was not the right pen. It could only take her so far. How she was going to gather the strength to find another pen… Read more

  • Magic

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    Breaking free Letting the magic set The fulness of an instant A precious and fragile instant Free of tangible boundaries When you feel lost and suddenly you find yourself You are here You are expanding Connected with oneself With one’s inner voice Expanding inside out Afraid that with sharing may come soiling That the pure… Read more

  • Paradox

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    Love and hate Loved and lonely Committed and free Rational and creative Reliable and flexible The oak and the reed The oak and the reed and the sunflower The oak is rigid and steady The reed is flexible and bendy The sun flower bends towards the sun because that’s what it needs to grow And… Read more

  • Childhood poetry

    Childhood poetry

    Perfectionism Writing as a way to remember, uncover and heal To feel all the pain The internalised suffering of perfectionism To understand where it comes from and what it means Hearing it to better let it go And stop it from defining who you can be Not to blame but to help heal those who… Read more

  • Writing for knowing

    Writing for knowing

    It can be hard to know what you already know. To take the time to pause and let everything sink in. In the race of life, busying oneself one task after another, getting a sense of worth through movement. Breathing helps finding realignment. Listening to the white noise, closing one’s eyes and observing the shift… Read more

  • Happy 36

    Happy 36

    As a result of a combination of upbringing sets of conditions routed in rationality, critical thinking, science and curiosity, I can fairly confidently say that there are not many things that I am sure of. I understand that the way we think, know and feel is engrained in the interlinkages of experiences that make up… Read more