Category: writing for knowing

  • What is wrong with you?

    What is wrong with you?

    A kid walking down the street This morning, I was walking down the street when a scene stopped me in motion, grabbed my stomach and travelled me back in time. Here’s the situation. A kid is about to cross the road at upcoming traffic when a woman, let’s assume his mum, pulls his arm in… Read more

  • I feel therefore I am

    I feel therefore I am

    Dear Love, what will you have me know about who I am? You were literally brought up in the school of ‘I think, therefore I am’. It makes sense that you consider that way of thinking as a sort of norm, a sort of safe pillar you can count on. It’s much harder for you… Read more

  • On clutter

    On clutter

    Dear Glennon and Amanda, I consider the likelihood of these words being read by anyone but myself low but I believe the process of writing them will help at least one person think through them, so here they are. I listened to Episode #282 on our relationship to stuff and I think you are both… Read more

  • Approval


    Composing the symphony of our lives To compose the symphony of yourself Must you know how to play instruments? It would certainly help But until then Use the sound of the waves in the ocean The chirping of the birds in the wind And the silence of when there is nothing to say Letter from… Read more

  • The starting point

    The starting point
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    Getting there I know this is just a figure of speech But so much of the language we speak shapes the way we think, and vice versa That it makes me wonder Where are we trying to get to? To a place where we feel comfortable with the now? One day we open our eyes… Read more

  • Rest and action

    Rest and action

    Sitting at the National Gallery of Victoria amid Liquid skies/Gyrwynt, the large-scale installation by Triennial artist Franziska Furter, as part of the Let’s talk about the weather series, I feel strangely at home. Liquid skies visualises vibrant infrared satellite images of hurricanes. This soft, colourful rug invites us to rest and consider our place within the… Read more

  • On worthiness

    On worthiness
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    Perfect! Not what you project of what it means But how I feel Not what society forces us to believe But how I am How you are Just the way you are No expectation about what to be or to become No strings attached to your behavior or worthiness Perfect Just the way you are… Read more

  • The Illusion of Control

    The Illusion of Control

    The way we speak Everything under control? Now, let me tell you that the ‘control-freak’ part of me would love to tell you that: Yes, absolutely, I’ve got everything under control. But that would just be an intellectually lazy lie. The more I think about this fairly common question, used rather often in everyday life,… Read more

  • Free


    Cagey words What stopped her from doing it She was not sure She said success maybe? What those words meant she wasn’t sure either This could mean so many different things But she never really stopped long enough to think what it could look like for her? She wasn’t sure where she was going but… Read more

  • Trees

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    Here’s a twist! Curly spine Are you misaligned You feel stuck So is your lower back Since you won’t listen in Your body will scream in pain What is the message you refuse to hear What language will speak to you For its call not be in vain One second soothing The other burning The… Read more