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Outside in


You can’t really escape it

The noise

You thought you might come out

To find peace

But it seems the noise is out too

Maybe it is inside out

Maybe you can find the quiet in

Even when it is loud out

Some days you might need to accept

It is loud in and out

Become in

What is it?

What is it you’re searching for?


Something seems to be stirring

But you don’t know yet what it is you’re


What is it you’re in the process of


Giving without expecting

Loving without controlling

Interbeing without the other

Connecting by the act of being


Underneath the noise

Tell me

How much of this is practicing resilience

How much is pure silliness

Do we stay to learn to endure discomfort

Or is it pain for the sake of suffering

Because we do not see a way out

How much is us always seeking a way out

Instead of staying in

Is there a point in enduring the noise

What is it teaching us?

Is it to hear what is louder than the noise?

The silence underneath it

The quiet music of life

The comic of it all


You know enough is enough for now

Enough to know

You might as well sing now

Sing, getting ready for the silence