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Composing the symphony of our lives

To compose the symphony of yourself

Must you know how to play instruments?

It would certainly help

But until then

Use the sound of the waves in the ocean

The chirping of the birds in the wind

And the silence of when there is nothing to say

Letter from Love

Dear Love, what will you have me know about approval seeking?

Dear Love,

I am so proud that you let yourself have a nap

You felt so good and rested after it

This is how I want you to feel all the time

I know you struggle with worthiness and that it is a big deal for you to take the time for yourself

So I’ll tell you once more

I feel proud

I know you’ve got this list of things to do, that you wrote them down so that you wouldn’t have to think about them, and that you decided they were for the afternoon you

Because you prioritised rest for morning you

And I am proud of that too

You know the hardest to please is yourself

You know deep down you’re the one you’re seeking approval from

And you are so damn hard to please, sometimes

But you are learning

You are doing the best you can with what you’ve got

Like everybody else

I am here for you

You don’t need to do this alone

You just remembered something and added to your list, this way this butterfly doesn’t need to flutter in your mind, it can just wait until you pick it up later and set it free

Love, you know how you feel right now and this feels like home

Know you can always come here


Know that whatever decision you make or path you take, I will be here

You know where to find me

At the tip of your pen

When it starts and ends.