We are nature

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Curious about the stories we tell ourselves beyond the realm of words, I’m lightheartedly playing with bringing some of my poetry to life with visual imagery. It feels like adding other dimensions might help reflect some of the nuance and texture. Or maybe it is a clever trick to put less pressure on the words? Ha, it may be both indeed! There’s definitely an intention to somewhat loosen the grip of one’s own seriousness in this beautifully messy world we’re part of and consciously listen to our inner nature.

We are nature

We are what we are right here, right now. Our perception of reality is ultimately a story we tell ourselves. What would happen if we practiced seeing ourselves / others / the world in a more favourable light? What if we were more attuned to our inner nature?

Free tree spiral

Sometimes we need sentences to make sense and sometimes it’s also okay to remember the spiral is spiraling, the tree is treeing and the human is humaning.


Aren’t we beautiful, colourful and funny little creatures when we stop and think about it. If you’re being hard on yourself today, give yourself a break, show yourself a little compassion. You are who you are in all your chameleon-ing.


That’s right – you are perfect just the way you are. Sit with it.

The ants

Does it mean we’ve worked it all out? Not at all! We’re definitely a work in progress… we’re part of life after all and life is a process 🙂


We’re so full of paradoxes. But that’s okay once we realise two paradoxical truths can co-exist at the same time. That there’s beauty in holding both, and in the – messy – space in-between.

Here’s a twist!

At times, it is hard to listen in. Looking out, we can find answers – or perhaps better questions – where we’re not expecting them to come.

The symphony of yourself

So we keep on learning how we go on and compose the symphonies of ourselves, inner and outer nature harmonising.


We find places (in and out) where our chains are set free.


We remember the miracle that life is in all its complex simplicity –

and go on becoming

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