You are the universe

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Our perception of reality

Sometimes I am not sure whether to stand in absolute awe or to laugh about some of the paradoxes we live within

Grasping the fullness of what these might reveal seemingly appearing on the spectrum between tantalising and utterly absurd

Most of us too busy busying ourselves with trivial activities that we never have a moment to reflect on our place in the universe

Too busy worrying about what seems very important to us that we forget about the incredible mystery that surrounds us

That we are specs in the universe yet that the universe isn’t unless perceived by us

It’s completely mind boggling if we stop and think about it

If we stop to remember that our reality is unique and that the way we experience the world is the only version of the world that we will ever have the illusion to understand, which really makes it the only reality in our world, our human universe, relative to our own experience

Your perception will be different from mine, mine from yours, your universe


In our lives where we seek structure and an illusion of control

Maybe we can find comfort in the fact that life originated from chaos?

In pure chaos, in the Planck era ‘before’ the Big Bang, time was an ingredient of the quantum soup ‘before’ the orderliness of our current universe which mysteriously led atoms to becoming human brains

How improbable!

Stemming from chaos and disorder, humans became islands of order made of chaos


I’m finding it very somehow reassuring that physicists struggle to define when time ‘started’, that inflationary theories accept the Big Bang while being saddled with the problem of endings and beginnings

It makes my own struggle to grasp the concept of beginnings and endings, somewhat universal

Really, when do things start when do things end?

When does time start?

No time no atoms no human brain no perception of time

Which makes Time personal

 And Eternity timeless

Which reminds us that past and future are illusions, and that only the present moment exists

And the present is the only thing that has no end

The strings

This all feels strangely interconnected in my mind in ways I can’t yet fully explain

What binds it all together?

The strings?

The potential unifying theory that brings Large and Small together

The musical metaphor is not lost on you, you who feels so physically moved by the cello you wrote a song called The Strings

The vibrations produce musical notes

The waves are the vibrations of an invisible string

And the particles the specific notes that appear in space-time

Which brings us back to that dualism


A reminder that paradox exists

That light can be both wavelengths and particles

That two opposite things can be true at the same time

That nature is dual, both subjective and objective

Giving humans the ability to see any situation from either perspective

Giving rise to the potential for psychology in the quantum domain

The mind-like behaviour of subatomic particles

Acting on purpose rather than visibly randomly


Is this why we can get so much joy from observing Light?

Because light is timeless?

Giving rise to Life on Earth and continuing to sustain it

Photons, particles of light with no mass and moving at the speed of light

Photons that last forever because for them time does not pass

In light lies eternity

Timeless eternity


Sometimes I wonder whether somewhere deep down an inner knowing is what makes me stop at the sight of rays of sunlight, makes me cry listening to the vibrations of the cello

Our minds and the universe

How much of a connection is there between our perception of the world and its fundamental principles?

How much of a parallel can we draw between the physics of the universe and what goes on inside our minds?

The observer’s dilemma

One of my inner-doubts about writing is the idea that by writing I am somehow not fully living because of instead of being the protagonist of my own life, I somehow become its observer

The writer’s dilemma is bound to the observer’s dilemma

Yet coming back to physics

To be is to be perceived

Things exist because they are perceived

Quantum phenomena are neither waves or particles but are intrinsically undefined until the moment they are measured

The observer is woven in the very fabric of reality

Which might mean that observing and writing might be a way of bringing things to life?

That our pens o-pen parallel universes as our stories unfold?